When the XOR Gate has only 2 inputs, it is a "one and only one" gate. However, when the XOR Gate has more than 2 inputs, it is no longer a "one and only one" Gate... It is no longer about exclusivity, it is about detecting an odd number of TRUE inputs.
This project "The Exclusive Gate" is about a circuit that has more than 2 Inputs (4 in this example) and only outputs TRUE if "one and only one" input is true.
First attempt at Half Adder. A half adder is a logical circuit that adds to one bit binary numbers and results into a two digit output.
My first attempt at an full adder. This is a logical circuit that performs an addition operation on three one bit binary numbers. The full adder produces a sum of three inputs and a carry value.
Simple Arithmetic Logic Unit
XOR, Half adder, Full adder, Multi-bit full adder, Comparator, Multi-bit comparator, Shifter, Multiplexer 4-to-1, Demultiplexer 1-to-4, Decoder 2-to4, ALU-Arthmetic Logic Unit
A porta lógica XOR, abreviação de "exclusive OR" (ou "OU exclusivo" em português), é uma porta que possui duas entradas e uma saída. A sua função é gerar um sinal lógico "1" na saída somente quando as duas entradas forem diferentes entre si. Caso contrário, a saída será "0".
Gerbang Logika XOR ini memerlukan dua input untuk menghasilkan satu output. Jika input berbeda (misalkan: input A=1, input B=0) maka output yang dihasilkan adalah bilangan biner 1. Sedangkan jika input adalah sama maka akan menghasilkan output dengan bilangan biner 0.
Berikut adalah simulasi gerbang logika dasar XOR :
A free, simple, online logic gate simulator. Investigate the behaviour of AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR and XOR gates. Select gates from the dropdown list and click "add node" to add more gates. Drag from the hollow circles to the solid circles to make connections. Right click connections to delete them. See below for more detailed instructions.
An XOR, 4 bit comparitor
Logic gate
XOR , XNOR using NAND gate and NOR gate
A 4-bit Binary to Gray code converter changes a 4-bit binary number into its equivalent Gray code.
In Gray code, only one bit changes at a time between consecutive numbers
A 4-bit Gray to Binary converter changes Gray code back to binary. The first binary bit matches the first Gray bit, and each next bit is found by XORing the previous binary bit with the current Gray bit.
XOR to Half Adder