This is a 2-bit magnitude comparator for A=B.
This is a 2-bit magnitude comparator for A<B.
This is my binary comparator, that compares two 4-bit binary numers (A and B) and outputs whether A=B, A>B or A<B.
I normaly like to build circuits in Minecraft, but for this "bigger" project I needed to use something quicker and easier.
Maybe this comes in handy for someone :-)
Inputs (on the left):
- Number A {A4, A3, A2, A1}
- Number B {B4, B3, B2, B1}
- chp_enb - chip enable ... When set to 1, enables the output
Outputs (on the right):
- A=B
- A>B
- A<B
This project includes an application of digital logic to a password comparing machine. For more informations or questions about that design project you write an email to the following address: [email protected]
4 Bit Comparator circuit
A - A3 A2 A1 A0 B - B3 B2 B1 B0
A = B when, A3=B3,A2=B2,A1=B1,A0=B0.
A>B when, A3>B3 OR A3=B3 AND A2>B2 OR A3=B3 A2=B2 AND A1>B1 OR A3=B3 A2=B2 A1=B1 AND A0>B0.
A<B when, A3<B3 OR A3=B3 AND A2<B2 OR A3=B3 A2=B2 AND A1<B1 OR A3=B3 A2=B2 A1=B1 AND A0<B0.
In 1 Bit comparator ckt,
when A<B, C = A'B ; A>B, E = AB' ; and A=B , D= A xnor B
Creating a 2-bit comparator using a 1-bit comparator.
This is our project: a grading system that provides grades on the basis of marks entered by the user subject-wise. It provides grades subject-wise on a 5-point grading scale.
You can set your marks for any subject. You can set the grade range as per your choice. The circuit will output the grade.
It will also output pass or fail on a 7-segment display based on the total marks obtained and the passing marks.
8 Bit comparator using only logic gates