Decodificador de display de 7 elementos
16 Bit calculator that should be able to do most problems comprising of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division through coding it
Cant do negatives or decimals
Can be programmed to do a variety of things, and can output to either numerical display, or a graphical display(yes you can graph functions to an extent)
The project is the presentation of Grey code using D Flip-Flops, with the use of a 7 segment display to show the numbers and a decoder (reference from jbox1) with the correct inside display (click the tab on the top that says '7 seg decoder' to view inside the decoder).
Authors: Yoceline Mata, Bryan Marquez & Ernesto Villarreal
Reference of jbox1:
Display 7Segmentos ( Muestra valores hexadecimal)
Created by José Velandia as a homework from the Systems Engineering career at the Bicentennial University of Aragua, Venezuela.
Construir um circuito para controlar um sistema de irrigação automático. O sistema possui dois sensores de umidade (U[1:0]), que avaliam a umidade do solo em duas áreas diferentes da área a ser irrigada e enviam sinais para o circuito, conforme a tabela a seguir.
Entradas Saídas
00 Áreas 1 e 0 com umidade adequada.
01 Área 1 com umidade adequada e Área 0 com baixa umidade.
10 Área 1 com baixa umidade e Área 0 com umidade adequada
11 Áreas 1 e 0 com baixa umidade.
Para o Simulador circuitVerse,
deverá ser utilizado o display de 7 segmentos para indicar quais áreas
estão com baixa umidade, de acordo com a codificação a seguir.
This is a double-dabble circuit.
Thanks to Sebastian Lague (YouTube: for the double-dabble circuit.
In the 3 bit counter the last 2 set the traffic lights in 3 possible states (1 green for each path) while the 1st flipflop is used to provide the short duration yellow -> red state change (How it works in my country).
All logical expression have been derived from k maps at specific states.
Uses the divide by ten algorithm.
16 bit divider by Sanderokian Stfetoneri.
About the Combinox R1:
This is the third 16-bit CPU I have made. Its new name was inspired by the new combinational code. It is also my first computer to feature a graphics and base ten display. As a result of its brand new architecture, code, and clock it is much faster than my previous CPUs.
Directions for use:
Choose the desired EEPROM program and insert it into the slot. First press the "RESET" button. Now press the "ON" button and enjoy your program.
Descriptions of programs:
blank: A blank EEPROM to be coded.
count up forever: Counts up by one until it reaches 65,535 then loops back to 0.
2+2: adds 2+2 and displays the output to the number display
transfer from keyboard to display: Displays the ascii value of whatever key is being entered on the keyboard.
random noise: Displays random noise on the screen.
Fibonacci: calculates the Fibonacci sequence
Sanderokian Stfetoneri - clock
Sanderokian Stfetoneri - 16 bit division
Este es un decodificador con compuertas logicas para display de 7 segmentos de anodo comun en este case se esta usando un display de catodo comun pero solo para el ejemplo
Uses the divide by ten algorithm.
32 bit divider by sjp4.