Searched Projects

Tags: timer
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Automatic Packaging system

Automatic Packaging system
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a timer with a reset and pause button.
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Card collateral for lending items (blankets)

Card collateral for lending items (blankets)

A student-card collateral locker for lending blankets on CircuitVerse. This is the final project for Computer Organization course at Fulbright University Vietnam.


The system controls 2 lockers, 1 for ID card and 1 for blanket. The Blanket locker is only released once an ID card is input and a passcode is entered. Likewise, the ID card is only released if a Blanket is inserted and the correct passcode is entered. The organizer can control the system with Mastercode #9##. 

  • Inputs: insert ID card & insert Blankets (inputs only matter when the corresponding locker is open).
  • Outputs: Locker status
  • Mastercode: release both lockers
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24 hr clock

24 hr clock
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Hanafee Yusoh

Hanafee Yusoh
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JK flipflop 60second timer with start, stop, reset and display

JK flipflop 60second timer with start, stop, reset and display

A school project to simulate the functionality of a 60 s counter for a jk fliplop circuit
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JK flipflop 60second timer with start, stop, reset and display

JK flipflop 60second timer with start, stop, reset and display

This is from a small project that was done for school, the purpose for saving this online is so that the teacher can interact with it and grade it for himself.