4 inputs to 16 outputs decoder.
The 4 inputs are tied to separate digital inputs. That makes understanding and debugging easier.
Décodeur de 4 vers 16. Les 4 entrées sont reliés à des entrées numériques distinctes. Cela facilite la compréhension du circuit et rend le debogage plus facile.
4 inputs to 16 outputs decoder.
The 4 inputs are connected to a 4 bits binary counter. The counter itself is connected to a clock.
Décodeur de 4 vers 16. Les 4 entrées sont reliés à un compteur 4 bits. Le compteur lui même est relié à une horloge.
This version of the decoder 4 bits to 7 segments is built with ROM, within which I wrote the codes 0x3F, 0x06, 0x5B, 0x4F, 0x66, 0x6D, 0x7D, 0x07, 0x7F, 0x6F, 0x77, 0x7C, 0x39, 0x5E, 0x79 and 0x71. This device shows all 16 hexadecimal symbols on the common-cathode LED display, corresponding to the 4 bit binary input.
This is a circuit of Common Bus System using Decoder and Tri State Buffers
This is partially complete, a fill in the blank exercise for students
This is assignment of lab ECN-252 course for CSE student in 4 th semester
A simple demonstration of how to decode a 3-bit input.
The 3-bit input represents a decimal Number. This number
opens the according output line.
Bit 010 is decimal 2 => Output line 2 should be active.
Bit 110 is decimal 6 => Output line 6 should be active.
A simple 2 to 4 decoder
Input 00 (decimal 0) => y0 is active
Input 01 (decimal 1) => y1 is active
Input 10 (decimal 2) => y2 is active
Input 11 (decimal 3) => y3 is active
Group 5 - CAO
4-Bit adder with memory Control
Circuit of Half Adder with a circuit diagram of decoder
This is a double-dabble circuit.
Thanks to Sebastian Lague (YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SebastianLague) for the double-dabble circuit.
In the realm of digital circuits, decoders play a crucial role in information processing and memory selection. These circuits, designed with precision and logic, serve as the gateway to memory units, enabling efficient data retrieval. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of decoders, specifically focusing on 3-to-8 and 4-to-16 decoders.
Practice for creating and instantiating sub-circuits into a larger circuit, includes gate logic for some circuits like 2-to-1 mux and 3-to-8 decoder, as well as bit-to-bus combiner and FSM logic using T flip-flops.
just playing around with things