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Tags: random
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My first experiment with Subcircuits.
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Random Colors

Random Colors

Watch the colors change as the random numbers set the value of the colors or... yeah.
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6 Stars     129 Views

This is the CTH-10 CPU. By CrEePeRz24321. (most updated version of the CTH Series) This uses all binary to operate. First click on Power to start. Turn Op to 1 and double click the RAM. Then type in the Op code you want. Only put inputs and read outputs of the User Interface. Wait until the Red light turns Green then start. If you want to change operations, then turn Op to 1 and double click the RAM. Then type in the Op code you want. (If you use full screen, and it keeps on kicking you out when you type, click full screen and then look to the bottom right and press + or - and don't touch the full screen after that unless the RAM input kicks you out)

0 is No Operation - Inputs unavailable

1 is RAM - write the address into In1, write the number you want to store into In2 and press Write.

2 is ADD - write the first digit into In1, write the second digit into In2

3 is Subtract - write the first digit into In1, write the second digit into In2

4 is Counter - Inputs unavailable

5 is AND Gate - write the first digit into In1, write the second digit into In2

6 is a Clock - Inputs unavailable

7 is Accessing the ROM - Inputs unavailable

8 is Binary to Decimal converter

9 is Random Number - Inputs unavailable

10 is Not Gate - write the converting digit into In1

11 is Shift Right* - write the converting digit into In1, write the shift number into In2

12 is Shift Left* - write the converting digit into In1, write the shift number into In2

13 is Multiply - write the first digit into In1, write the second digit into In2

14 is Divide - write the first digit into In1, write the second digit into In2**

HALT is to halt operation

*when using shift the first 3 digits of Out will be nonfunctional

**when using divide the first 4 digits away from the CPU are remainders and the last 4 digits closest to the CPU are quotients.

(There is also a Computer version that doesn't get updated much.)
1 Stars     62 Views

This is the CTH-10 CPU. This uses all binary to operate. First click on Power to start. Turn Op to 1 and double click the RAM. Then type in the Op code you want. Only put inputs and read outputs of the User Interface. Wait until the Red light turns Green then start. If you want to change operations, then turn Op to 1 and double click the RAM. Then type in the Op code you want. (If you use full screen, and it keeps on kicking you out when you type, click full screen and then look to the bottom right and press + or - and don't touch the full screen after that unless the RAM input kicks you out)

0 is No Operation - Inputs unavailable

1 is RAM - write the address into In1, write the number you want to store into In2 and press Write.

2 is ADD - write the first digit into In1, write the second digit into In2

3 is Subtract - write the first digit into In1, write the second digit into In2

4 is Counter - Inputs unavailable

5 is AND Gate - write the first digit into In1, write the second digit into In2

6 is a Clock - Inputs unavailable

7 is Accessing the ROM - Inputs unavailable

8 is Binary to Decimal converter

9 is Random Number - Inputs unavailable

10 is Not Gate - write the converting digit into In1

11 is Shift Right* - write the converting digit into In1, write the shift number into In2

12 is Shift Left* - write the converting digit into In1, write the shift number into In2

13 is Multiply - write the first digit into In1, write the second digit into In2

HALT is to halt operation

*when using shift the first 3 digits of Out will be nonfunctional
2 Stars     154 Views

About the Combinox R1:

This is the third 16-bit CPU I have made. Its new name was inspired by the new combinational code. It is also my first computer to feature a graphics and base ten display. As a result of its brand new architecture, code, and clock it is much faster than my previous CPUs. 

Directions for use:

Choose the desired EEPROM program and insert it into the slot. First press the "RESET" button. Now press the "ON" button and enjoy your program.

Descriptions of programs:

blank: A blank EEPROM to be coded.

count up forever: Counts up by one until it reaches 65,535 then loops back to 0.

2+2: adds 2+2 and displays the output to the number display

transfer from keyboard to display: Displays the ascii value of whatever key is being entered on the keyboard.

random noise: Displays random noise on the screen.

Fibonacci: calculates the Fibonacci sequence 


Sanderokian Stfetoneri - clock

Sanderokian Stfetoneri - 16 bit division