The project is the presentation of Grey code using D Flip-Flops, with the use of a 7 segment display to show the numbers and a decoder (reference from jbox1) with the correct inside display (click the tab on the top that says '7 seg decoder' to view inside the decoder).
Authors: Yoceline Mata, Bryan Marquez & Ernesto Villarreal
Reference of jbox1:
Incomplete project
A circuit that adds two 3-bit numbers using a half-adder and a full-adder.
A circuit that takes two decimal numbers A and B as input and then splits in into their corresponding three bits using a splitter and then calculates their summation using XOR, AND and OR gates. This generates 4 output lines for 4 bits of the summation, and a reversed splitter is finally used to join the output lines to produce a 4-bit output and displayed using a Hex-Display.
This is a ripple-carry adder.