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Tags: ROM
1 Stars     568 Views


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ROM example for the interactive book
0 Stars     116 Views

Ejercicio 3 - Clase 3

Ejercicio 3 - Clase 3
0 Stars     211 Views

An 8-bit CPU with an instruction set that includes the analytic integration and differentiation of polynomial expressions.
0 Stars     63 Views


1 Stars     116 Views

32B RAM 16B ROM Setup

32B RAM 16B ROM Setup
0 Stars     90 Views

ROM width

ROM width
0 Stars     89 Views

Rom Lenght

Rom Lenght
1 Stars     150 Views

ROM decoder 4 bits to 7 segments

ROM decoder 4 bits to 7 segments

This version of the decoder 4 bits to 7 segments is built with ROM, within which I wrote the codes 0x3F, 0x06, 0x5B, 0x4F, 0x66, 0x6D, 0x7D, 0x07, 0x7F, 0x6F, 0x77, 0x7C, 0x39, 0x5E, 0x79 and 0x71. This device shows all 16 hexadecimal symbols on the common-cathode LED display, corresponding to the 4 bit binary input.
0 Stars     228 Views

7 Segment ROM Counter

7 Segment ROM Counter

A 7 Segment Decoder with ROM to check the decoder check the text file here 

Seven Segment Display Truth Table.txt

Seven  Segment Truth Table - if you want o add a decimal point, add an 8 to the Tens Digit - If you are using a Common Anode Display not Cathode, use the Binary Inverter or the Hex Inverter Datasheet to invert the Hex or Binary values

Actually, the "7 Segment Out" group is an binary output while the Hex out is the Hexadecimal because Hex is short for Hexadecimal

Anyway, Hexadecimal Values go from 0 - F while Decimal is 0-9 (since hex is diffeent then dec the letters A-F are actually 10-15

4-bit In  7 Segment Out

D C B A   DP A B C D E F G  Hex out  Display

0 0 0 0   0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0  0x7E (7E)  0

0 0 0 1   0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0  0x30 (30)  1

0 0 1 0   0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1  0x6D (6D)  2

0 0 1 1   0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1  0x79 (79)  3

0 1 0 0   0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1  0x33 (33)  4

0 1 0 1   0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1  0x5B (5B)  5

0 1 1 0   0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1  0x5F (5F)  6

0 1 1 1   0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0  0x72 (72)  7

1 0 0 0   0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  0x7F (7F)  8

1 0 0 1   0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1  0x7B (7B)  9

1 0 1 0   0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1  0x77 (77)  A

1 0 1 1   0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1  0x1F (1F)  B

1 1 0 0   0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0  0x4E (4E)  C

1 1 0 1   0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1  0x3D (3D)  D

1 1 1 0   0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1  0x4F (4F)  E

1 1 1 1   0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1  0x47 (47)  F

Invert the hex or binary value for a Common Anode Display - to invert a Binary Value, use a NPN or PNP Transistor (BJT) - to invert a Hexadecimal value use the Hex Inverter 74HC04 and check this pinout 


Binary Invert

In Out

0 > 1

1 > 0

Hex Inverter

In Out

0 > F

1 > E

2 > D

3 > C

4 > B

5 > A

6 > 9

7 > 8

8 > 7

9 > 6

A > 5

B > 4

C > 3

D > 2

E > 1

F > 0

How to invert a value:

If your inverting a 4-bit Hex use 15-n1=n2

n1 is the number to input

n2 is the output

5-bit Hex - use 31 ↑

4-bit Hex - use 15 |

3-bit Hex - use 7  |

2-bit Hex - use 3  |

1-bit Hex - use 1  |

Tip: Double the numbers as the bits goes up and divide the numbers with the arrow besides them by 2 as the bits go down

Hex to decimal or Vice Versa

















Binary to Hex

0000 - 0 

0001 - 1

0010 - 2

0011 - 3

0100 - 4

0101 - 5

0110 - 6

0111 - 7

The value depend on the bits(cuz bits=binary digits )

And so goes on

5bit - 00000 ↑

4 bit - 0000 |

3bit  - 000  |

2bit  - 00   |

1bit  - 0    |
0 Stars     96 Views

ROM project

ROM project
1 Stars     1047 Views


I have built a fully working converter that converts 16-bit binary code to BCD.

I wanted a mode with a small amount of gates instead of millions of cells connected in series to ROM. As a result, I designed the converter in a slightly different way, using only 5 ROM cells, one register, one shift register and, of course, since this is an algorithm where the operation is performed by cyclically changing one piece of data, we also need a control unit. This is only for clock control and a few minor details.

This conversion method is generally referred to as double-dabble, also known as shift-and-add-3. In fact, it is a large number of ROM cells, each cell handling a 4-bit or BCD code. It works by adding 3 to all numbers greater than or equal to 5, then shifting the entire range of bits to the left once. This cycle is repeated as many times as the length of the input bits, for example we have 8 bits and the cycle will be repeated eight times.

The main difference between my converter and the others is that mine is done by a clock that is constantly blinking, and drives the cyclical circulation of a piece of data continuously across exactly the same pair of cells. This method reduces the number of gates, but may be slightly slower and more complicated. While other circuits are mostly built with series connected ROM cells and this results in a simple circuit but a higher gate count compared to mine.

Below I have attached an image of one ROM cell that converts binary code to BCD. There is also a table that describes the behaviour of this cell perfectly.

For a better user experience, don't forget to read the instructions below.

1. Reset your device before conversion!
    (RST = Reset button)
2. Enter the binary form of a number!
    (Input binary code)
3. Press the button to start the conversion!
    (BGN = Begin)
4. The clock must be on, it must blink 16 times!
    (CLK = Clock)
5. Read the BCD value!
    (Output BCD)

If you like my project, please give me a star (the button is on the bottom right), because it means a lot to me!

I hope you like the plan. I hope you enjoy the experience.
0 Stars     23 Views




Group - 5

Final Laboratory CAO
0 Stars     29 Views

7 Segment Decoder

7 Segment Decoder

This is a 7-Segment Display using a ROM and a small 7 segment display decoder. Works with Hexadecimal too!
0 Stars     14 Views

Random ROM Data Selector

Random ROM Data Selector
0 Stars     37 Views



Functional Electronic Machine Binary Operator Yes - 8-bit cpu

This is a work in progress right now.

MOV [r], A - Loads a register into the accumulator.
01: MOV A, [r] - Saves a register into the accumulator.
02: INC [r] - Increment a register 
03: DEC [r] - Decrement a register
04: ADD [r] - Add the accumulator to a register
05: SUB [r] - Subtract the accumulator to a register
06: OUT [r] - Output a signal from a register
07: HLT - End program


Update Notes:
Final design before update of is a.

Add WIP instructions
Add the accumulator to a register address
Increase amount of registers to 8
Add Ram manipulation instructions
Add Input to CPU
Add more operations to the ALU
Add ASCII i/o
Make a simple command line
Make an assember
Make a simple operating system for the cpu
Add rgb output
0 Stars     11 Views

Combined Memory

Combined Memory

Registers and an EEPROM
5 Stars     91 Views

This is the CTH-10 CPU. By CrEePeRz24321. (most updated version of the CTH Series) This uses all binary to operate. First click on Power to start. Turn Op to 1 and double click the RAM. Then type in the Op code you want. Only put inputs and read outputs of the User Interface. Wait until the Red light turns Green then start. If you want to change operations, then turn Op to 1 and double click the RAM. Then type in the Op code you want. (If you use full screen, and it keeps on kicking you out when you type, click full screen and then look to the bottom right and press + or - and don't touch the full screen after that unless the RAM input kicks you out)

0 is No Operation - Inputs unavailable

1 is RAM - write the address into In1, write the number you want to store into In2 and press Write.

2 is ADD - write the first digit into In1, write the second digit into In2

3 is Subtract - write the first digit into In1, write the second digit into In2

4 is Counter - Inputs unavailable

5 is AND Gate - write the first digit into In1, write the second digit into In2

6 is a Clock - Inputs unavailable

7 is Accessing the ROM - Inputs unavailable

8 is Binary to Decimal converter

9 is Random Number - Inputs unavailable

10 is Not Gate - write the converting digit into In1

11 is Shift Right* - write the converting digit into In1, write the shift number into In2

12 is Shift Left* - write the converting digit into In1, write the shift number into In2

13 is Multiply - write the first digit into In1, write the second digit into In2

14 is Divide - write the first digit into In1, write the second digit into In2**

HALT is to halt operation

*when using shift the first 3 digits of Out will be nonfunctional

**when using divide the first 4 digits away from the CPU are remainders and the last 4 digits closest to the CPU are quotients.

(There is also a Computer version that doesn't get updated much.)
1 Stars     47 Views

This is the CTH-10 CPU. This uses all binary to operate. First click on Power to start. Turn Op to 1 and double click the RAM. Then type in the Op code you want. Only put inputs and read outputs of the User Interface. Wait until the Red light turns Green then start. If you want to change operations, then turn Op to 1 and double click the RAM. Then type in the Op code you want. (If you use full screen, and it keeps on kicking you out when you type, click full screen and then look to the bottom right and press + or - and don't touch the full screen after that unless the RAM input kicks you out)

0 is No Operation - Inputs unavailable

1 is RAM - write the address into In1, write the number you want to store into In2 and press Write.

2 is ADD - write the first digit into In1, write the second digit into In2

3 is Subtract - write the first digit into In1, write the second digit into In2

4 is Counter - Inputs unavailable

5 is AND Gate - write the first digit into In1, write the second digit into In2

6 is a Clock - Inputs unavailable

7 is Accessing the ROM - Inputs unavailable

8 is Binary to Decimal converter

9 is Random Number - Inputs unavailable

10 is Not Gate - write the converting digit into In1

11 is Shift Right* - write the converting digit into In1, write the shift number into In2

12 is Shift Left* - write the converting digit into In1, write the shift number into In2

13 is Multiply - write the first digit into In1, write the second digit into In2

HALT is to halt operation

*when using shift the first 3 digits of Out will be nonfunctional
0 Stars     13 Views

32 Bit ROM

32 Bit ROM

You can adjust the inputs and the addresses in the ROMs to get different outputs.  If you go into full-screen mode, and entering a ROM address kicks you out of full screen, than switch to the subcircuit, switch back to the main circuit and then try again, and it should not kick you out of full-screen mode.
0 Stars     40 Views

An attempt at utilizing memory storage to create some output based on information inputted into ROM block; output changes when ROM enable is toggled while the address input counter changes to change up the sequence of input bits to the registers.
0 Stars     11 Views



Practice for utilizing ROM to produce an output based on some sequential input.