Member since: 4 years
Educational Institution: Not Entered
Country: Romania
4bit counter
4bit counter3bit counter with decoded outputs
3bit counter with decoded outputsselection_gates
selection_gates4bit to 7 segments
4bit to 7 segmentslucrare 3 - gestionarea variabilelor de stare
lucrare 3 - gestionarea variabilelor de stare4bit_adder
4bit_addersecvential3 - sincron - bistabile si decodificator
secvential3 - sincron - bistabile si decodificatorT bistable
T bistable8-bit 2complement display
8-bit 2complement display8 bit increment
8 bit increment8 bit decrement
8 bit decrementD bistables
D bistablescounters
counterslucrare 5 - UC numarator
lucrare 5 - UC numaratorsecvential5 - sincron - numarator, multiplexoare si PROM
secvential5 - sincron - numarator, multiplexoare si PROMGray_Binary
Gray_BinaryAC register with multiplexers
AC register with multiplexers1bit Adder
1bit Adder4bit reversible counter
4bit reversible counterlucrare 3 - tabel de stare
lucrare 3 - tabel de staresecvential4 - sincron - numarator, multiplexoare si decodificator
secvential4 - sincron - numarator, multiplexoare si decodificatorGray_binary_ROM
comparator4bitRS bistables
RS bistablesRS master-slave
RS master-slavesecvential1 - asincron - porti - and_nand
secvential1 - asincron - porti - and_nandmask8bit
mask8bitBCD encoder
BCD encoderdecoder 2_to_4
decoder 2_to_4DMUX 1_to_4
DMUX 1_to_4selection gate
selection gateparity01
parity03decoder 4_to_16_01
decoder 4_to_16_01decoder 4_to_16_02
decoder 4_to_16_02UC_L6
registers8bit counters
8bit countersGray_binary_check
AR_muxlucrare 3 - semnale de control
lucrare 3 - semnale de controlProgram Counter 4bit
Program Counter 4bitcomparator2bit
comp2bit_transportcomparator 8bit
comparator 8bitadder4bit_ahead_block
adder4bit_ahead_block4bit adder carry look ahead
4bit adder carry look aheadadd4carry_test
add4carry_testacumulator si numarator program
acumulator si numarator programROM decoder 4 bits to 7 segments
ROM decoder 4 bits to 7 segments8-bit 2complement
8-bit 2complementsecvential2 - sincron - bistabile si porti
secvential2 - sincron - bistabile si portidecoder binary-to-hexa 7 segments
decoder binary-to-hexa 7 segmentssecvential1 - asincron - alta idee
secvential1 - asincron - alta ideelucrare 4 - UC elemente intarziere
lucrare 4 - UC elemente intarziere2bit_comp
2bit_compXOR 4 inputs
XOR 4 inputsJK bistable
JK bistableseven gates
seven gatessecvential 5 - sincron - numarator, multiplexoare si PROM
secvential 5 - sincron - numarator, multiplexoare si PROM