Member since: 4 years
Educational Institution: National University of Technology Islamabad
Country: Pakistan
Even Display
Even DisplayUntitled
Seven4-bit Even synchronous counter
4-bit Even synchronous counterLab 7
Lab 73-Bit synchronous up counter using JK-Flipflop
3-Bit synchronous up counter using JK-Flipflop2-bit magnitude comparator(A<b></b>
2-bit magnitude comparator(A<b></b>Lab 06 DLD
Lab 06 DLDSubtractor
Subtractor2 bit asynchronous counter using JK-Flipflop
2 bit asynchronous counter using JK-FlipflopDLD Lab 04
DLD Lab 04DLD Lab 02
DLD Lab 022 bit magnitude comparater(A>B)
2 bit magnitude comparater(A>B)2 Bit asynchronous counter by using D-flipflop
2 Bit asynchronous counter by using D-flipflop2-bit magnitude comparator(A=B)
2-bit magnitude comparator(A=B)DLD lab BCD to excess 3 converter
DLD lab BCD to excess 3 converter