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Tags: 4 bit adder
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4 Bit Adder with Overflow and other sample diagrams

4 Bit Adder with Overflow and other sample diagrams
XOR AND gates used to add two 4-bit numbers together to make a 5 bit answer.
(4 bit answer and an overflow bit)
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Ripple Carry Adder

Ripple Carry Adder
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8 Bit adder

8 Bit adder

just a normal 4 bit adder
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The 4-bit adder which can do math on 4-bit integers and display on 2 7-segment LEDs.

This project is owned by Lu Xuan Minh - student of HCMUT.

Everyone can fork my project for the purpose of studying and researching.

Thank you for your viewing!

Lu Xuan Minh

Email: [email protected]
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4 Bit Parallel Adder

4 Bit Parallel Adder

In the preceding section, we discussed how two binary bits can be added and the addition of two binary bits with a carry. In practical situations it is required to add two data each containing more than one bit. Two binary numbers each of n bits can be added by means of a full adder circuit. Consider the example that two 4-bit binary numbers B 4321 and A 4321 are to be added with a carry input C 1. This can be done by cascading four full adder circuits as shown in Figure 5.48. The least significant bits A 1, B 1, and C 1 are added to the produce sum output S 1 and carry output C 2. Carry output C 2 is then added to the next significant bits A 2 and B 2 producing sum output S 2 and carry output C 3. C 3 is then added to A 3 and B 3 and so on. Thus finally producing the four-bit sum output S 4321 and final carry output Cout. Such type of four-bit binary adder is commercially available in an IC package.
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4 bit Adder / Substractor

4 bit Adder / Substractor

A simple adder that adds two 4-bit integers and returns the result on a hex display.
It also keeps track of the flags.
It can also subtract if the ADD/SUB is 1
ADD/SUB = 0 => add
ADD/SUB = 1 => sub
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4 bit binary adder

4 bit binary adder

Hey, i built a 4 bit Adder circuit which can add a pair of 4 bit binary numbers. it consist of 7 XOR gates, 7 AND gates, and 3 OR gates
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4-bit Adder with 7 segment displays

4-bit Adder with 7 segment displays

4-bit Adder with 7 segment displays