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Tags: microprocessor
3 Stars     1048 Views
SAP-1 ("Simple As Possible")

A simple 8-bit processor. It has a simple instruction set:
  • LDA - 0 - Load RAM data into accumulator
  • ADD - 1 - Add RAM data to accumulator
  • SUB - 2 - Subtract RAM data from accumulator
  • OUT - e - Load accumulator data into output register
  • HLT - f - Stop processing
Credits to the book "Digital Computer Electronics" by Albert Paul Mauvino, where he invented the educational processor.
29 Stars     7014 Views

CPU Microprocessor

CPU Microprocessor

Working CPU with eight 8-bit registers and eleven commands. Instructions in the project, command list below.


LDA r - loads value from register r into accumulator
STA r - stores accumulator value in register r
CLR r - clears register r
INC r - increments the value of register r and replaces into r
DEC r - decrements the value of register r and replaces into r
COM r - stores the complement of the value in register r in the accumulator
ADD r - adds value in register r to the accumulator
SUB r - subtracts accumulator value from value in register r, replaces into accumulator
AND r - stores value of (accumulator AND r) in accumulator
IOR r - stores value of (accumulator OR r) in accumulator [inclusive or]
XOR r - stores value of (accumulator XOR r) in accumulator [exclusive or]

*Eight 8-bit registers: r must be a value between 0 and 7 and refers to the address of the register, not its contents*
0 Stars     168 Views

Microprocessore a 4 bit

Microprocessore a 4 bit
1 Stars     164 Views

Microprocessore a 4 bit v2

Microprocessore a 4 bit v2
1 Stars     69 Views

BYTER: Nonexistent ISA following chip (old version)

BYTER: Nonexistent ISA following chip (old version)

I decided to do this separately from the other one because it works nicely. Also it follows a set philosophy instead of "eh, I'll figure it out". This is NOT meant to be good, it's meant to work. This version is currently abandoned, but I'm leaving it up so others can look at it still
0 Stars     82 Views

Another nonexistent ISA based chip, but this time I have a bit of experience with it. I'm also doing things a little bit differently this time around, too.

The name itself means Modular Stack, because that's its two big concepts. First is that it's all focused on working with a stack, and second is that it's very modular.
1 Stars     46 Views




here's 10 hours of my life ill never get back

note: click "clr" before use

OP codes and Input numbers:

OP1 0 OP2 0 null

OP1 0 OP2 1 add

OP1 1 OP2 0 write

OP1 1 OP2 1 read

number - binary equivalents

A1 A2 =       B1 B2 =

0   0  =  0   |  0   0  =  0 

1    0  =  1   |  1    0  =  1

0   1   =  2  |  0   1   =  2

1    1   =  3  |   1    1   =  3
0 Stars     43 Views

wip 8 bit cpu
0 Stars     21 Views
0 Stars     8 Views

How computers work - building Scott's CPU

How computers work - building Scott's CPU

Here the simulation of the youtube playlist "building Scott's CPU" by "Computer&Electronics":
1 Stars     11 Views

How computers work-Scott's1

How computers work-Scott's1

This is the simulation of the youtube playlist "how computers work  - building Scott's CPU"
0 Stars     4 Views

How computers work - Scott's 2 -8bus

How computers work - Scott's 2 -8bus