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Tags: machine
28 Stars     6771 Views

CPU Microprocessor

CPU Microprocessor

Working CPU with eight 8-bit registers and eleven commands. Instructions in the project, command list below.


LDA r - loads value from register r into accumulator
STA r - stores accumulator value in register r
CLR r - clears register r
INC r - increments the value of register r and replaces into r
DEC r - decrements the value of register r and replaces into r
COM r - stores the complement of the value in register r in the accumulator
ADD r - adds value in register r to the accumulator
SUB r - subtracts accumulator value from value in register r, replaces into accumulator
AND r - stores value of (accumulator AND r) in accumulator
IOR r - stores value of (accumulator OR r) in accumulator [inclusive or]
XOR r - stores value of (accumulator XOR r) in accumulator [exclusive or]

*Eight 8-bit registers: r must be a value between 0 and 7 and refers to the address of the register, not its contents*
2 Stars     87 Views

Coffe Machine

Coffe Machine

A "simple" coffe machine for your breaks... ;-)
4 Stars     209 Views

TicTacToe Machine

TicTacToe Machine

click reset before beginning.

choose your location with the ''<'' and ''>'' buttons then press ''enter'' to add it to the board.

after either player wins you can go to the next round by clicking the "next round" button if the light next to it is on and the machine will add 1 point to the the case of a Tie, the board needs to be full in order to go to the next round and it will not add points to either player.

in the case of a Tie, the board needs to be full in order to go to the next round and it will not add points to either player.
0 Stars     60 Views

Basic Units

Basic Units
0 Stars     17 Views

Electronic Voting Machine

Electronic Voting Machine

Simulates a 2 party electronic voting system with an added feature of NOTA option for voters.