Verification of Logic gates and boolean theorems
Logic gates
template for using basic logic gates
Assignment 1:
1) All logic gates with their truth tables
2) 1-bit half-adder
3) 1-bit full-adder using half-adder as module instance
4) 1-bit full-adder using gates alone
5) 1-bit half-subtractor
6) 1-bit full-subtractor using half subtractor
7) 1-bit full-subtractor using gates alone
8) 2 x 1 MUX
9) 4X1 MUX using 2X1 MUX
10) 8X1 MUX using 2X1 MUX
These Logic Diagram Projects are being created solely for academic purposes, in partial fulfillment of the subject of Logic Circuits and Design.
Nand logic gates obviously
To know about logic gates