Detector de circuito de erro em código BCD com o acionamento de uma lâmpada( Sinal Alto).
Just wanted to make something cool for a FIRST PROJECT and decided on a lock.
The goal is to get the light on by finding the right code using the gates.
New and improved JCU 501! The new JCU 501 contains two accumulators (one for each input), as well as capacity to handle it's own input stream.
You can either use the ROM or the RAM to program it
0 - A OR B / 0000
1 - A AND B / 0001
2 - A XOR B / 0010
3 - A + B / 0011
4 - A NOR B / 0100
5 - A NAND B / 0101
6 - A XNOR B / 0110
7 - !(A + B) / 0111
8 - A = B / 1000
9 - A > B / 1001
a - A < B / 1010
b - 0 / 1011
c - A != B / 1100
d - A <= B / 1101
e - A >= Bf - 1 / 1110
0 - 0000
1 - 0001
2 - 0010
3 - 0011
4 - 0100
5 - 0101
6 - 0110
7 - 0111
8 - 1000
9 - 1001
a - 1010
b - 1011
c - 1100
d - 1101
e - 1110
f - 1111
Tags (ignore):
This is My 4 Bit computer with 6 instructions just like the SAP Computer. :)
00 NOP
1x LDA
2x ADD
3x SUB
ee OUT
4x OUT_S
ff END
This computer cannot calculate more than 2 numbers
This Example Program shows 5+7 and 4-5.
To Program, Set the Reset Bit to 1 and Program the ROM.
To Run the Program, Set the Reset Bit to 0.
The Numbers in the output are in Two's Complement so if the number is more than 7
than the number will be negative because 7 is the biggest number in 4 bits.
Example code (in Binary):
Example code (in HEX):
Example code (in asm):
SAVE 1101 R1
Example code (explanation):
Saves "1101" in register 1
Outputs what's in register 1
Resets register 1
I'll add more instructions, functions and features in the future
This CircuitVerse project introduces a Trit-Button designed to test ternary memory in digital logic simulations. The button allows the representation of three logical states (0, 1, and 2) using 2 output bits, providing a practical solution for simulating ternary logic in a traditionally binary environment.
We’ve created three versions of the Trit-Button:
All versions are designed to interface with ternary memory and the ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) for testing ternary operations in CircuitVerse, which currently only supports binary logic.
This Trit-Button is a critical step in implementing and testing ternary computing concepts within standard simulation tools.