20bit computer
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Author: saltq

Project access type: Public


A 20bit processor


In progress:


Yet to be done:


-Ram address decode logic (Internal, External)




-Instruction decode logic

-Transfer hub

-Other stuff




Instruction information:


Memory layout:

00000-9ffff: App rom

a0000-ff86e: GP ram

ff86f-ff999: Video ram

ffa00-ffeff: The stack


Uses empty stack convention

Uses ascending stack convention

Parameters should be pushed onto the stack before calling the function

Status register goes as following (MSB first): OW, Z, N, E, IntterruptProgress (4bit), ResetProgress (4bit), InterruptAvailable, ResetAvailable, 0b000000

Every mention of "address" refers to the 6-nibble value with address configuration concatenated before the actual memory reference/data

ra1/ra2/ra3 refers to a register or address. The number is to distinguish between different arguments for instructions.


Stack Pointer





Instruction step



Register ids:

Stack Pointer: 0

Instruction: <INTERNAL>

Address: <INTERNAL>

SUM: 1

Status: 2

Instruction step: <INTERNAL>

A: 3

B: 4

fpA: 8

fpB: 9

fpC: a

fpD: b

fpS: c

-Address configuration is concatenated after reg id. Immeadiates and stack pointer indexes are not supported. e.g. 71 is data at B register, 32 is using SUM register as a xxxxx to use $?xxxxx on it.

-fpA through fpD &fpS are floating point registers. Bit functionality is as follows (MSB first): S, EXP (6bit), MAN (13 bit). To calculate the value: (1 + (1-(1/MAN))) * 2^(EXP - 63). -fpA-fpD & fps are incompatible with iadd/isub/idiv/imul/iinc/idec. fpadd/fpfpsub/fpmul/fpdiv/fpinc/fpdec work only on fp registers. They add the actual values, not bits.

-bor/band/bxor do operations on bits, not fpti values, still store binary result in S register.

Register addresses:

Memory page 0: fff00

Memory page 1: fff01

Memory page 2: fff02

Memory page 3: fff03

Address configuration:

-When using on registers, 0x8 as added onto the config

Immeadiate: $#xxxxx (0xxxxx) (Uses data xxxxx)

Address: $@xxxxx (1xxxxx) (Uses data at address xxxxx)

Pointer: $?xxxxx (2xxxxx) (Uses data at address xxxxx and uses $@***** on it)

Stack pointer index: $-xxxxx(%sp) (3xxxxx) (Subtracts xxxxx from stack pointer and uses $?***** on it)




mov ra1, ra2:

Stores ra1 into ra2 address (000(ra1)(ra2))

fpti ra1, ra2:

Transfers data at ra1 to ra2 (not bits, value. kinda like "(int) float" in c) (ra1 is encoded in floating point. requires ra1 to be using a fpr or fp address) (001(ra1)(ra2))

itfp (r, fpR), ($Xxxxxx, fpR):

Transfers data at ra1 to ra2 (not bits, value. kinda like "(float) int" in c) (ra1 is encoded in floating point. requires ra2 to be using a fpr or fp address) (002(ra1)(ra2))

bor (ra1,ra2), (ra1, ra2, ra3):

Ors ra1 and ra2 registers, stores result in S register. Updates OW, Z, and N flags in status register (003(r1ID)(r2ID))

Ors ra1 and ra2 registers, stores result in ra3. Updates OW, Z, and N flags in status register (004(r1ID)(r2ID)(r3))

band (ra1, ra2), (ra1, ra2, ra3):

Ands ra1 and ra2, stores result in S register. Updates OW, Z, and N flags in status register (005(r1ID)(r2ID))

Ands ra1 and ra2, stores result in ra3 register. Updates OW, Z and N flags in status register (006(r1ID)$Xxxxxx)

bxor (,r1,r2), (,r1,$Xxxxxx), ($Xxxxxx,r2), ($Xxxxxx,$Yyyyyy):

Xors ra1 and ra2, stores result in S register. Updates OW, Z, and N flags in status register (007(r1ID)(r2ID))

Xors ra1 and ra2, stores result in ra3 register. Updates OW, Z and N flags in status register (008(r1ID)$Xxxxxx)

iadd (,r1,r2), (,r1,$Xxxxxx), ($Xxxxxx,r2), ($Xxxxxx,$Yyyyyy):

Adds r1 and r2 registers, stores result in S register. Updates OW, Z, and N flags in status register (013(r1ID)(r2ID))

Adds r1 register and $xxxxx address, stores result in S register. Updates OW, Z and N flags in status register (014(r1ID)$Xxxxxx)

Adds $xxxxx address and r2 register, stores result in S register. Updates OW, Z and N flags in status register (015$Xxxxxx(r2ID))

Adds $xxxxx and $yyyyy addresses, stores result in S register. Updates OW, Z  and N flags in status register (016$XxxxxxYyyyyy)

isub (,r1,r2), (,r1,$Xxxxxx), ($Xxxxxx,r2), ($Xxxxxx,$Yyyyyy):

Subtracts r2 from r1, stores result in S register. Updates OW, Z and N flags in status register (017(r1ID)(r2ID))

Subtracts $xxxxx from r1, stores result in S register. Updates OW, Z and N flags in status register (018(r1ID)$Xxxxxx)

Subtracts r2 from $xxxxx, stores result in S register. Updates OW, Z and N flags in status register (019$Xxxxxx(r2ID))

Subtracts $yyyyy from $xxxxx, stores result in S register. Updates OW, Z and N flags in status register (01a$XxxxxxYyyyyy)

imul (,r1,r2), (,r1,$Xxxxxx), ($Xxxxxx,r2), ($Xxxxxx,$Yyyyyy):

Multiplyes r1 and r2 registers, stores result in S register. Updates OW, Z and N flags in status register (01b(r1ID)(r2ID))

Multiplyes r1 register and $xxxxx address, stores result in S register. Updates OW, Z and N flags in status register (01c(r1ID)$Xxxxxx)

Multiplyes $xxxxx address and r2 register, stores result in S register. Updates OW, Z and N flags in status register (01d$Xxxxxx(r2ID))

Multiplyes $xxxxx and $yyyyy addresses, stores result in S register. Updates OW, Z and N flags in status register (01e$XxxxxxYyyyyy)

idiv (,r1,r2), (,r1,$Xxxxxx), ($Xxxxxx,r2), ($Xxxxxx,$Yyyyyy):

Divides r1 by r2, stores result in S register. Updates E, Z and N flags in status register (01f(r1ID)(r2ID))

Divides r1 by $xxxxx, stores result in S register. Updates E, Z and N flags in status register (020(r1ID)$Xxxxxx)

Divides $xxxxx by r2, stores result in S register. Updates E, Z and N flags in status register (021$Xxxxxx(r2ID))

Divides $xxxxx by $yyyyy, stores result in S register. Updates E, Z and N flags in status register (022$XxxxxxYyyyyy)

iinc $Xxxxxx, r:

Increments address xxxxx (023$Xxxxxx)

Increments register r (024(rID))

idec $Xxxxxx, r:

Decrements address XXXXX (025Xxxxxx)

Decrements register r (026(rID))

fpadd r1,r2:

Adds r1 and r2 registers, stores result in fpS register. Updates OW, Z, and N flags in status register (027(r1ID)(r2ID))

fpsub r1,r2:

Subtracts r2 from r1, stores result in fpS register. Updates OW, Z and N flags in status register (028(r1ID)(r2ID))

fpmul r1,r2:

Multiplyes r1 and r2 registers, stores result in fpS register. Updates OW, Z and N flags in status register (029(r1ID)(r2ID))

fpdiv r1,r2:

Divides r1 by r2, stores result in fpS register. Updates E, Z and N flags in status register (02a(r1ID)(r2ID))

fpinc r:

Increments register r (02b(rID))

fpdec r:

Decrements register r (02c(rID))

phb $Xxxxxx, r:

Increments stack register and sets $-00000(%sp) to $xxxxx (02d)

Increments stack register and sets $-00000(%sp) to r register (02e)

plb $Xxxxxx, r:

Decrements stack register and sets $xxxxx register to $-00000(%sp) (02f)

Decrements stack register and sets r register to $-00000(%sp) (030)

jmp $Xxxxxx, r:

Jumps to $xxxxx address(031Xxxxxx)

Jumps to r register (032(rID))

jow $Xxxxxx, r:

Jumps to $xxxxx address if OW bit is set (033Xxxxxx)

Jumps to r register if OW bit is set (034(rID))

jnow $Xxxxxx, r:

Jumps to $xxxxx address if OW bit is clear (035Xxxxxx)

Jumps to r register if OW is clear (036(rID))

jz $Xxxxxx, r:

Jumps to $xxxxx address if Z bit is set (037Xxxxxx)

Jumps to r register if Z bit is set (038(rID))

jnz $Xxxxxx, r:

Jumps to $xxxxx address if Z bit is clear (039Xxxxxx)

Jumps to r register if Z bit is clear(03a(rID))

jn $Xxxxxx, r:

Jumps to $xxxxx address if N bit is set (03bXxxxxx)

Jumps to r register if N bit is set (03c(rID))

jnn $Xxxxxx, r:

Jumps to $xxxxx address if N bit is clear (03dXxxxxx)

Jumps to r register if N bit is clear(03e(rID))

je $Xxxxxx, r:

Jumps to $xxxxx address if E bit is set (03fXxxxxx)

Jumps to r register if E bit is set(040(rID))

jne $Xxxxxx, r:

Jumps to $xxxxx address if E bit is clear (041Xxxxxx)

Jumps to r register if E bit is clear(042(rID))

Created: Sep 02, 2021

Updated: Aug 26, 2023


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Comment deleted by FPT@18.
Posted on Sep 11 2021 at 01:46PM UTC. Last modified by FPT@18 on Sep 11 2021 at 01:53PM UTC.
Hey, i'm here just for the answer of your question you posted earlier, and cause i yet dont understand what you are doing(still a beg) , i couldnt find it , so yeah it would be kind of you if you showed me how you did it :)
Posted on Sep 11 2021 at 01:58PM UTC. Last modified by FPT@18 on Sep 11 2021 at 01:58PM UTC.
The problem was increasing bitwidth from multiple inputs. I already deleted the circuit that does it because the splitter can do stuff 2 ways. My solution was using 4bit constantvals into layers of multiplexers and the 4 inputs would control the layers (inverted before going into the switch). What i was trying to do was taking output of a rom chip and combining the addresses from Cli1, Cli2, Clo1 and Clo2 into the address input of the rom chip. The output would be split to do stuff with AND gates for the transfer hub.
Posted on Sep 17 2021 at 04:09PM UTC.
Hi I am new player and don’t know most stuff but I have a solution for ram as I made my own version which is very simple to understand and if you want me to do any changes then comment on my build
Posted on Jan 03 2025 at 03:59PM UTC.