8-bit Calculator
This project Can do 4 different operations on a number Add, subtract, Multiply, and Divide.
How to Use:
Type in the keyboard, to type numbers, and note if you go over 255 it might break (click clear to fix).
Click the button for an operation. Note: Click on the same operation again to remove it. This will be useful when changing operations because if you do not do so it will think that it needs to do 2 operations at the same time.
Click the button that says selected data to choose from the top or bottom when typing in the numbers.
How it Works:
Inputs are converted to BCD and Binary. the binary is then put into all of the operations(Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide)
ADD: Use a ripple carry adder.
Subtracter: Adder with an Invert B and a Carry-In. if Carry Out on then it is a positive number and if off it is a negative. If negative it will then invert again and add on, to get the negative result.
Multiplier: I have no idea how this one works.
Divider: Same here(I did have to double the input size thought)
The outputs of all these operations into a multiplexer which chooses what input will go into the display.
Display: HEX display
Answer: convert binary to BCD(very hard) I made it but I did use help by watching a tutorial.
Note: I only used the logic from 0:52 to 3:00