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lab2 basic gate

lab2 basic gate

ใบงานที่ 2.1
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Digital Logic Assignment

Digital Logic Assignment

A logic gate is a fundamental building block of digital circuits that performs a logical operation on one or more binary inputs and produces a single binary output. The output of a logic gate is determined by the combination of inputs applied to it. There are several types of logic gates, including AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND, XOR, and XNOR gates. These gates are used to execute various logical operations that are required by any digital circuit. Logic gates use Boolean algebra to perform logical processes. A truth table is a table that lists the outputs for all possible combinations of inputs that may be applied to a logic gate or circuit. Logic gates are found in nearly every digital gadget we use on a regular basis, including our telephones, laptops, tablets, and memory devices

I hope this helps!
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