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User Image Mel



An 8-Bit Binary CPU. It can add and subtract 2 numbers, store values in a 256-bit RAM unit, load values from RAM to 4 8-Bit Registers, and Generate Random Binary Numbers.

ALU1 operates on Registers A and B together

ALU2 operates on Registers C and D togethers

ALU1 & ALU2 use the same opcodes as the default ALU.

000-AND, 001-OR, 010-ADD, 100-A&~B, 101-A|~B, 110-SUB, 111-<.
2 Stars     91 Views
User Image Mel



A more advanced and compact 8-Bit CPU.


4 Internal Registers, 9 External Registers (outputs), 64KB RAM by default. And a Clock speed of 50ms.

The CPU comes with a display system of Hex displays which show the value of the 9 Registers.

The ALUs are able to do 7 operations and use a 4-bit opcode.

The CPU is also able to generate random 8-Bit binary values.

The internal registers are able to be loaded either through a value stored in RAM or through a value directly inputted into the CPU.


The RAM input connects to the output of the external RAM unit.

Input 1 and 2 are used in ALU0 as the inputs, Input 1 is also the input for the direct load register command and is recomended to connect to the RAM input.

Opcodes 0,1, and 2 connect to ALU 0,1, and 2 respectively. The First Place turns the ALU on (1) or off(0), the rest of the bits correspond to the default ALU opcodes.

RNG On/Off determines if the Random external register shows a random value.

Load Reg. Loads a value into one of the registers. Direct will load the value from Input1 into one of the registers. RAM will load the value outputted by the RAM unit into one of the registers.

Register Address determines which register is loaded. A=00,B=01,C=10,D=11