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Standard font for text annotations

Created by Jefferson Elbert Simões • 1 year ago
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Jefferson Elbert Simões

On  Apr 26, 2023

Is there any way of changing the standard font used in CircuitVerse for text annotations? I'm planning on writing annotations such as hand-performed binary additions or truth tables, which are hard to align and arrange, and changing the default font to a monospace one would help.

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On  Apr 26, 2023

Select the text annotation for which you want to change the font. Click the "Text Properties" button in the toolbar. In the "Text Properties" window that opens, choose the font you want from the "Font" drop-down list. Click the "Apply" button to apply the changes. If you want the new font to be the default for all new text annotations, you can click the "Save as Default" button in the "Text Properties" window. Note that some fonts may not display correctly or be supported in CircuitVerse.

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On  Dec 14, 2023

I appreciate your enthusiasm for the 2020 SS XTR and your attention to detail when considering an aftermarket cage. It's great to see how the community comes together to share knowledge and ensure compatibility for fellow enthusiasts. The collaborative spirit in seeking advice, as evident in your question, contributes to a supportive and informed community. Your dedication to researching and ensuring a perfect fit for your vehicle reflects a responsible approach to customization. Best of luck with your purchase, and may your 2020 SS XTR adventures be both thrilling and safe! If you're interested in academic support, check out resources like research papers for sale at

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Jefferson Elbert Simões

On  Dec 16, 2023

@ColumbusWaugh i can't seem to find a "text properties" button. The buttons I find on the toolbar are: save online, export as file, delete selected, DL as image, fit to screen, undo, redo, preview circuit, and the zoom controller. No text properties appear on the "properties" box either (there I can only control font size and the text content itself).

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Steele Nickle

On  Jan 23, 2024

@geometry dash subzero To set the new font as the default for all new text annotations, just click the "Save as Default" button in the "Text Properties" box.

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