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Problem to edit the layout of a subcircuit

Created by deliriousverilog • 6 months ago
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On  Jan 20, 2024

Hi all, I created a combinatory subcircuit with 4 inputs an 2 outputs. The inputs are on the right side and are positioned from top to bottom, in this order: inp0, inp1, inp2, inp3. The outputs are positioned on the left side, always from top to bottom, in this order: out0, out1. When I insert the subcircuit into the main one, the order of the inputs and outputs is not respected, in fact they appear ordered like this (from top to bottom): inp1, inp2, inp3, inp0. The outputs appear ordered like this (from top to bottom): out1, out0. Why this behavior? How can I fix the problem? I tried to click on "edit layout" but in the LAYOUT panel I can only change the position of the subcircuit title and in the LAYOUT ELEMENTS panel only the message "no layout elements available" appears. Thx in advance for your tips.

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On  Jan 20, 2024

When you did "Edit Layout" after setting everything you did save right? :)

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On  Jan 22, 2024

Yeah, I figured out I didn't click on green dots in order to turn them into red so I could move them around :)

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On  Jan 26, 2024

Yeah, I figured out I didn't click on green dots in order to turn them into red so I could move them around :)

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