How do I make many 1 bits into one 8bit

Created by gan251mleap • 1 year ago
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On  Aug 06, 2023

I am making a "enabler" which takes an 8bit input and an 1bit enable. The output is also an 8bit. When I try to change one bit of the input to 1 it just says that the output is forced to be 0 as though the output was an input. It worked last time so yeah.

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On  Aug 22, 2023

Sorry, I didn't quite understand, could you say the name of the project or say the project link please? :)

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On  Oct 06, 2023

the way I do it is to use a splitter with 8 1-bit inputs and connect the 1-bit input to all of them. this will turn the 1 bit input into an 8 bit output that is all 1s if the 1 bit input is a 1 and all 0s otherwise. then, connect the 8 bit input and this new 8-bit bus, and put all into an and gate. this will make it so the output to the and gate is the same as the 8 bit if the 1-bit is a 1, and all 0s otherwise

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On  Nov 21, 2023

in MISC, Spitter

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