4:2 Priority Decoder
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Author: Husam El-Issa

Project access type: Public


·         If Y3 is active (set to '1'), regardless of the states of other inputs, it will take priority, and the encoder will output the binary code corresponding to Y3's position. The validity output (V) will indicate that the output is valid.

·         If Y3 is not active (set to '0'), the encoder will check the next highest priority input, which is Y2. If Y2 is active, the encoder will output the binary code corresponding to Y2's position, and V will indicate the validity of the output.

·         If neither Y3 nor Y2 is active, the encoder will check Y1, and if Y1 is active, it will output the binary code corresponding to Y1's position, and V will indicate the validity of the output.

·         If none of the higher-priority inputs (Y3, Y2, Y1) are active, the encoder will check Y0. If Y0 is active, it will output the binary code corresponding to Y0's position, and V will indicate the validity of the output.

·         If all the inputs of encoder are ‘0’, then the code available at outputs is not a valid one. In this case, the output, V=0


Generate the SOPs from the Truth Table:

A0 = Y3 +!Y2Y1

A1 = Y3+Y2

V = Y0+Y1+Y2+Y3

Design the circuit using the SOPs


Created: Apr 13, 2024

Updated: Apr 18, 2024


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