Member since: 12 months
Educational Institution: CSUN
Country: United States
7-Segment Display
7-Segment Display2x1 MUX
2x1 MUX1-bit Adder ALU
1-bit Adder ALU4-bit Register using D Flip flops
4-bit Register using D Flip flops3-bit synchronous up counter using JK flip-flops and a clock.
3-bit synchronous up counter using JK flip-flops and a clock.3-Bit Synchronous Counter
3-Bit Synchronous Counter2-Bit Adder
2-Bit AdderWk12: Circuit Design with SR Flip-Flop Example
Wk12: Circuit Design with SR Flip-Flop Example4x1 MUX
4x1 MUX4:2 Priority Decoder
4:2 Priority DecoderDEMUX
DEMUX1-Bit Adder
1-Bit Adder4x1 MUX
4x1 MUXTraffic Light Control System
Traffic Light Control SystemDecoder
DecoderSimple ALU
Simple ALU