ENG103 Lab Expt 6 SINGAPORE UNIVERISTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (SUSS) Page 2 of 5OBJECTIVES: To appreciate the concepts of State diagram and State table.To design sequential circuit using JK flip-flops and combinational logic circuits.To use DeMorgan’s Theorem to construct the combinational logic part of the circuit using only NOR gates.To wire up the sequential circuit using online simulator CircuitVerse. (https://circuitverse.org/)In this experiment, you are provided with the circuit diagram of an unknown circuit. Given the following expressions for the J’s and K’s input, draw the circuit diagram for the Next State Forming Combinational Circuit block shown in Figure E6. You must use the minimum number of the 2-inputs NOR gates only.1.First, you must derive the Boolean functions of the state-decoding logics. Using DeMorgan’s Theorem, redesign the combinational logic part of the circuit, to replace