Member since: 3 years
Educational Institution: KIET GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS
Country: India
EXP 6: Implement a 3x3 Binary Multiplier.
EXP 6: Implement a 3x3 Binary Multiplier.3x8 Decoder
3x8 DecoderImplement 4x1 Multiplexers.
Implement 4x1 Multiplexers.1x4 and 1x8 De-multiplexers
1x4 and 1x8 De-multiplexers2-bit ALU
2-bit ALUCLA
CLA4 Bit Carry Look ahead adder
4 Bit Carry Look ahead adderExp 5
Exp 5Implement a 2x2 Binary Multiplier
Implement a 2x2 Binary MultiplierEXP 7: Implement (4 to 2) line and (8 to 3) line Encoders.
EXP 7: Implement (4 to 2) line and (8 to 3) line Encoders.4 bit binary array multiplier
4 bit binary array multiplierImplement 8x1 Multiplexers
Implement 8x1 MultiplexersSR Flip Flop
SR Flip FlopImplement a 2x2 Binary Multiplier
Implement a 2x2 Binary Multiplier2X4 Decoder
2X4 DecoderSR and D FLIP-FLOPS using NAND gates
SR and D FLIP-FLOPS using NAND gatesImplement (4 to 2) line and (8 to 3) line Encoders.
Implement (4 to 2) line and (8 to 3) line Encoders.