Member since: 3 years
Educational Institution: Not Entered
Country: Not Entered
EXP 10: Implement 1x4 and 1x8 De-multiplexers.
EXP 10: Implement 1x4 and 1x8 De-multiplexers.Exp-12 : Design 2-bit ALU
Exp-12 : Design 2-bit ALUEXP 9: 8X1 MULTIPLEXER
EXP 9: 8X1 MULTIPLEXEREXP 10(B): Implement 1x8 De-multiplexers.
EXP 10(B): Implement 1x8 De-multiplexers.encoder
encoderexp 9
exp 98:1 Mux using Logic Gates
8:1 Mux using Logic Gatesexp 11
exp 114-bit-carry-lookahead-adder
4-bit-carry-lookahead-adderExternal Practical
External Practical4 bit array
4 bit arrayinternal
internalInternal practical
Internal practicalExp 8
Exp 8Experiment 11(SR FLIP FLOP and D-FLIP FLOP)
Experiment 11(SR FLIP FLOP and D-FLIP FLOP)Untitled
4-bit-carry-lookahead-adderEXP 10: Implement 1x4 and 1x8 De-multiplexers.
EXP 10: Implement 1x4 and 1x8 De-multiplexers.