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Author: Gaël Thomas

Project access type: Public


A complete 8-bit CPU starting from a nand for the students of Telecom SudParis/Institut Polytechnique de Paris. You can find the lab 


The processor consists in:

  • 8 8-bits registers
  • A ROM of 32 bytes and a RAM of 256 bytes. Addresses from 0 to 31 goes to the ROM, the others to the RAM
  • A simple instruction set inspired by MIPS (lw, sw, addiu, addu, etc...)

In details, we build the circuits one after the other, and as soon as we have implemented them, we reuse the ones provided by circuitverse. For the basic circuits, we have
  • nand and nand-cc: to explain how we use circuitverse (optional)
  • gates: to understand how we can build the gates (optional)
  • half-add, 1-add, 4-add: step by step implementation of a (4 bits) adder (optional)
  • 1x1-mux, 1x2-mux, 2x2-mux: step by step implementation of a (2x2bits) multiplexers (optional)
  • mod5: as the name suggest, compute a modulo 5
  • ALU: a simple ALU only able to execute add (required)
  • SR-nand, JK-flip-flop, half-D-flip-flop, D-flip-flop-initial, D-flip-flop: step by step implementation of a (one bit) D-flip-flop
  • 2x1-demux: a 1-bit demultiplexer with 4 outputs (optional)

For the CPU, we have:
  • REGS: a helper that simplifies the use of a register
  • CLOCK: a better clock useful for debugging. 
  • CPUv0: a circuit that connects REGS and CLOCK
  • MINI-PC: a circuit that performs an increment module 5. Used for the loop that fetches the instructions from memory. 
  • CPUv1: integrate MINI-PC in CPUv0
  • ENCODER: a helper circuit able to compute the value of an instruction from simple inputs
  • MICROCODE: the microcode used by the processor (a loop that (i) loads the first 8-bytes of the instruction in %insnl, increments PC, loads the next 8 bytes in %insnh, increments PC and executes the instruction)
  • CPUv2: integrate MICROCODE in CPUv1
  • CPUv3: add a memory to CPUv2
  • CPUv4: add ALU to CPUv3
  • DECODER: instruction decoder
  • CPU: the final CPU. Technically CPUv4 with DECODER.

The CPU executes the code "char x; while(true) x++;" where x is located at address 0x80. In details, the CPU executes this code, which is located in ROM:

  •   li %r1, 0x80.     /* implemented with addiu %r0, 0x80 */
  • lab:
  •   lw %r0, (%r1)
  •   addiu %r0, 1
  •   sw %r0, (%r1)
  •   br lab             /* implemented with addiu %pc, -8 */

Created: Nov 18, 2022

Updated: Apr 24, 2024


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