Member since: 4 years
Educational Institution: Institute of Technology of Cambodia
Country: Cambodia
YannSovanvichea_Project_timerDecade Counter
Decade CounterSimple counter
Simple counter4-Bit Synchronous Counter
4-Bit Synchronous Countercounter
counterClock and Counters
Clock and CountersCounter(Seconds)
tim1111111111111store data
store dataMemory Element
Memory ElementTimer___Vichea
Timer___VicheaDecade Counter
Decade Counterjohnson ring counter
johnson ring counterTP6
TP6I3 TP3 2020
I3 TP3 2020johnson ring counter
johnson ring counterLab 5
Lab 5ring counter
ring counter4-Bit Synchronous Down Counter
4-Bit Synchronous Down Counter8:3 priority encoder
8:3 priority encoderDigital Clock
Digital Clock7 output
7 output7 Segment Display
7 Segment DisplayI3 TP3 2020
I3 TP3 2020timer
timeeeeeed4 bit 4 reg bus sys
4 bit 4 reg bus systimer__
timer__4 Bit CPU
4 Bit CPUCSC4536
CSC4536Clock and Counters
Clock and CountersChapter 4 Examples
Chapter 4 ExamplesClock and Counters
Clock and CountersCS1104ComputerSystemsAssigment3
Stopwatchcombinational logic with eeprom
combinational logic with eeprom12 Hour Clock Prototype
12 Hour Clock Prototypesimple binary adding system
simple binary adding systemChapter 4 Examples
Chapter 4 Examples34h
34hRAM saving
RAM savingthree switches for a lamp
three switches for a lamp4-Bit Synchronous Counter
4-Bit Synchronous Countertimer__
alarm_clock4-Bit Shift Register using D Flip-Flops
4-Bit Shift Register using D Flip-Flopsstore data
store dataTIME_UPDATE
8 Bit CPUmini-project
StartStopLogicMiniProject-Group10/ Name Stop_Watch
LogicMiniProject-Group10/ Name Stop_WatchEncoder, Decoder, and 7-Segment Controller
Encoder, Decoder, and 7-Segment ControllerHelp! Why cant I save any additions to this?!
Help! Why cant I save any additions to this?!RPF_Course_1_7_Combinationn
RPF_Course_1_7_Combinationn2:4 Decoder ( Binary Decoder)
2:4 Decoder ( Binary Decoder)2 bit asynchronous up counter
2 bit asynchronous up counterEEPROM Interactive Programmer
EEPROM Interactive Programmer4-Bit Synchronous Up Counter
4-Bit Synchronous Up Counter