Member since: 4 years
Educational Institution: Not Entered
Country: Not Entered
boolen realization
boolen realization9920004684 Parallel in serial out
9920004684 Parallel in serial outAND GATE
AND GATE9920004684 Parallel in parellel out
9920004684 Parallel in parellel outlogic gates
logic gatesNOT gate
NOT gate9920004684 half adder
9920004684 half adderUntitled
Untitled9920004684 Serial in Serial out
9920004684 Serial in Serial outbinary to gray code converter
binary to gray code convertergray to binary code converter
gray to binary code converterhalf substractor logic gates
half substractor logic gates9920004684 full adder
9920004684 full adderAND gate
AND gateALL logic gates
ALL logic gatesNAND gate
NAND gateNOR gate
NOR gatelogic gates
logic gates9920004684 Parallel in serial out
9920004684 Parallel in serial out99200004684 Serial in parallel out
99200004684 Serial in parallel outboolean realization or gate
boolean realization or gatefull substractor
full substractorOR gate
OR gate