Member since: 4 years
Educational Institution: Not Entered
Country: Not Entered
full adder
full adderBinary to excess 3 code
Binary to excess 3 code4 bit sync jk flip flop
4 bit sync jk flip flopadder
adderhalf ub
half ubencoder
multiplexerde multiplexer
de multiplexerBCD to grey converter
BCD to grey converter4 bit async up/down counter
4 bit async up/down counter4 Bit ripple up/down
4 Bit ripple up/down3 Bit ripple down
3 Bit ripple downsipo
pipo3 bit sync up counter
3 bit sync up countermod5counter
mod5counteror gate
or gate4 bit ripple up counter
4 bit ripple up counter4 bit synchronous counter using J-K flipflop
4 bit synchronous counter using J-K flipflop4 bit synchronous counter using J-K flipflop
4 bit synchronous counter using J-K flipflopUntitled
Untitledexp 3,1
exp 3,1gates
decoderfull subtractor
full subtractormagnitude comparator
magnitude comparatort flip flop
t flip flopd flip flop
d flip flopassignment 1
assignment 1piso
pisosr flip flop
sr flip flop4 bit sync down counter
4 bit sync down counter4 bit async up counter
4 bit async up counter4 bit ripple down counter
4 bit ripple down counter4 bit sync down counter
4 bit sync down counterjk flip flop
jk flip flopexp 3,2
exp 3,23 bit sync up/down counter
3 bit sync up/down counter4 bit synchronous counter using J-K flipflop
4 bit synchronous counter using J-K flipflop4 bit synchronous counter using J-K flipflop
4 bit synchronous counter using J-K flipflopexprement 1 b
exprement 1 b