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Author: Peter

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The OR gate

So, an AND gate only switches on when both inputs are on. What about if we want the output to be on when at least one of the inputs is on? This is called an OR gate. In order for the gate to produce an output of True, there must be a current from at least one input. Can you predict what the output would be if the inputs were 0 and 1 in an OR gate?

Why not use Circuitverse to test if your predictions are correct? Circuitverse is a very useful and free online tool which simulates logic circuits. Go to Circuitverse and begin by clicking ‘Launch Simulator’. Choose two inputs, one output, and the OR gate, and then try toggling the different options to switch the two inputs on and off. By clicking on the dots on the side of the symbols and dragging your mouse you can join the inputs to the logic gate symbol and the logic gate symbol to the output to simulate the flow of current in the circuit. You will see that the output changes depending on your choice of input.

Created: May 16, 2019

Updated: Jun 30, 2023


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