Member since: 4 years
Educational Institution: KIET GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS
Country: India
OR Gate Practice
OR Gate PracticeArithmetic Unit
Arithmetic UnitEx-NOR Gate
Ex-NOR GateAND gate practice
AND gate practiceImplement a 2x2 Binary Multiplier
Implement a 2x2 Binary MultiplierImplement 4x1 Multiplexer
Implement 4x1 MultiplexerLogical Unit
Logical UnitFull Adder
Full AdderEx-OR Gate
Ex-OR GateImplement 4-bit Gray-to-Binary
Implement 4-bit Gray-to-BinaryHalf Adder
Half AdderImplement 8 to 3 line Encoder
Implement 8 to 3 line EncoderImplement 2 to 4 line Decoders
Implement 2 to 4 line DecodersNOR Gate
NOR GateImplement 4-bit Binary-to-Gray
Implement 4-bit Binary-to-Grayhalf adder
half adderImplement 4 to 2 line Encoders
Implement 4 to 2 line EncodersFull Subtractor
Full SubtractorImplement 3-bit parallel Binary Adder/Subtractor
Implement 3-bit parallel Binary Adder/SubtractorImplement 1x4 De-Multiplexer
Implement 1x4 De-MultiplexerNAND Gate
NAND GateImplement 3 to 8 line Decoders
Implement 3 to 8 line DecodersHalf Subtractor
Half SubtractorNOT Gate Practice
NOT Gate PracticeAND Gate
AND GateEx-NOR Gate
Ex-NOR GateImplement 4-bit Binary-to-Gray
Implement 4-bit Binary-to-Gray