Member since: 4 years
Educational Institution: Not Entered
Country: Not Entered
4 Bit Parallel Adder 2047010
4 Bit Parallel Adder 2047010(A'B+C')(AB'C'+B)'(AB'+C') 2047010
(A'B+C')(AB'C'+B)'(AB'+C') 2047010xor gate using nand gate
xor gate using nand gateOctal to BCD 2047010
Octal to BCD 20470104X1 Mux 2047010
4X1 Mux 20470102 Bit Decoder 2047010
2 Bit Decoder 2047010XOR using NAND
XOR using NANDNAND using XOR 2047010
NAND using XOR 2047010XOR using NAND 2047010
XOR using NAND 2047010DEcimal to BCD encoder 2074010
DEcimal to BCD encoder 2074010DEcimal to BCD encoder 2074010
DEcimal to BCD encoder 20740102047010_MCSA132_cmp5
2047010_MCSA132_cmp5DEcimal to BCD encoder 2074010
DEcimal to BCD encoder 20740102047009_MCSA132_cmp5