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Author: Nancy Singh

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* It has three inputs , labeled as S(for set), R(for reset) and C(for clock).

* It has output Q and sometimes the flip-flop has a complemented output,which is indicated with a small circle at the other output terminal.

* There is an arrowhead-shaped symbol in front of letter C to designate a dynamic input. The dynamic indicator symbol denotes the fact that the flip-flop responds to a positive transition(from 0 to 1) of the input clock signal.

* If S=1 and R=0 the output is set to 1. If S=0 and R=1 the output is cleared to 0. when both S and R are 0 then output doesnot change. when both S and R are 1 then the output is unpredictable and may go to either 0 or 1.

Created: Oct 31, 2020

Updated: Aug 26, 2023


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