Member since: 4 years
Educational Institution: Not Entered
Country: Not Entered
2 to 4 Decoder
2 to 4 Decoder8 to 3 Priority Encoder
8 to 3 Priority Encoder3 to 8 Decoder
3 to 8 DecoderConsensus law
Consensus lawNOT gate
NOT gateUntitled
Untitled4 bit binary adder/subtractor
4 bit binary adder/subtractorHalf adder using basic gates
Half adder using basic gatesHalf adder using NAND gate
Half adder using NAND gateHalf subtractor using NAND gate
Half subtractor using NAND gateHalf adder using NOR gate
Half adder using NOR gateHalf subtractor using minimal gates
Half subtractor using minimal gatesConsensus dual theorem
Consensus dual theoremAbsorption law
Absorption lawAssociative law
Associative lawBCD to Decimal Decoder
BCD to Decimal DecoderImplementation with 2 to 1 MUX
Implementation with 2 to 1 MUXGray to binary code converter
Gray to binary code converterHalf adder using minimal gates
Half adder using minimal gates3 bit Parity Checker
3 bit Parity Checker1 to 2 Demux
1 to 2 DemuxDistributive law
Distributive law4 to 2 Priority Encoder
4 to 2 Priority Encoder1 bit MC
1 bit MC16 to 1 MUX
16 to 1 MUXCommutative law
Commutative law8 to 3 Priority Encoder
8 to 3 Priority Encoder4 bit Parity Checker
4 bit Parity CheckerOctal to Binary Encoder
Octal to Binary EncoderFull subtractor using NOR gate
Full subtractor using NOR gate4 to 16 Line Decoder
4 to 16 Line DecoderEXOR and EXNOR gates
EXOR and EXNOR gatesDe Morgan law
De Morgan law2:1 Encoder
2:1 EncoderBinary to gray code converter
Binary to gray code converter2 bit MC
2 bit MCHalf subtractor using basic gates
Half subtractor using basic gatesImplement with 4 to 1 MUX
Implement with 4 to 1 MUXFull subtractor using basic gates
Full subtractor using basic gatesHalf subtractor using NOR gate
Half subtractor using NOR gateBCD to 7 Segment Decoder
BCD to 7 Segment Decoder4 bit Parity Generator
4 bit Parity Generator1 to 2 Decoder
1 to 2 DecoderAND and OR gates
AND and OR gatesDecimal to BCD Encoder
Decimal to BCD Encoder1 TO 4 DEMUX
1 TO 4 DEMUXNAND and NOR gates
NAND and NOR gates8 to 3 Priority Encoder
8 to 3 Priority EncoderExcess3 to BCD code converter
Excess3 to BCD code converter4:2 Encoder
4:2 EncoderFull adder using minimal gates
Full adder using minimal gatesBDC to excess 3 code converter
BDC to excess 3 code converterFull subtractor using NAND gate
Full subtractor using NAND gateFull adder using NAND gate
Full adder using NAND gateFull adder using NOR gate
Full adder using NOR gate3 bit Parity Generator
3 bit Parity GeneratorFull adder using basic gates
Full adder using basic gatesFull subtractor using minimal gate
Full subtractor using minimal gate