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Exp 14-a (by inbuilt D flip flop)
Exp 14-a (by inbuilt D flip flop)exp-15b
exp-15bLAB Assignment 3x8 Decoder
LAB Assignment 3x8 DecoderBCD to seven segment
BCD to seven segment2X4 Decoder
2X4 Decodermultibit operator
multibit operatorBinary to Gray
Binary to Graylogic gates
logic gatesEncoder 8 to 3
Encoder 8 to 3Encoder 4 to 2
Encoder 4 to 2Clocked S-R latch using NAND gate
Clocked S-R latch using NAND gatethree bit adder
three bit adderShift right using JK Exp 17b ii
Shift right using JK Exp 17b iiExperiment 12
Experiment 12Shift left using JK Exp 17a ii
Shift left using JK Exp 17a iiShift right using D Exp 17b i
Shift right using D Exp 17b iExp-16
Exp-164x1 Multiplexer
4x1 MultiplexerExternal Practical
External PracticalADD & SUB
EXP-6B3X8 Decoder
3X8 Decoder1x8 de-Multiplexer
1x8 de-MultiplexerLogic Diagram Exp-15b
Logic Diagram Exp-15bMultiplying binary digits 3x3
Multiplying binary digits 3x3detailed multibit using XOR
detailed multibit using XORExp 6b
Exp 6b8x1 Multiplexer
8x1 Multiplexer1x4 de-multiplexer
1x4 de-multiplexerLAB Assignment 2x4 Decoder
LAB Assignment 2x4 Decoderdetailed multibit using XOR
detailed multibit using XORD latch using NAND gate
D latch using NAND gateSR latch using nand gate
SR latch using nand gateUniversal Shift register Exp 17c
Universal Shift register Exp 17cSR latch using nor gate
SR latch using nor gate2bit Arithmetic Exp-15a
2bit Arithmetic Exp-15aMasrter Slave using D flip flop(Exp-13)
Masrter Slave using D flip flop(Exp-13)exp-15 a
exp-15 athree bit adder
three bit adderExp-14b
Exp-14bshift left using D Exp 17a i
shift left using D Exp 17a iD latch using NOR gate
D latch using NOR gateclocked SR latch using NOR gate
clocked SR latch using NOR gateEXP 14-a
EXP 14-aGray to Binary
Gray to BinaryMultiplying binary digits 2x2
Multiplying binary digits 2x2J-K flip flop using D flip flop(Exp-13)
J-K flip flop using D flip flop(Exp-13)SR latch using nand gate
SR latch using nand gate