Member since: 4 years
Educational Institution: KIET GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS
Country: India
multiplexer 8x1
multiplexer 8x1Demo
Demomultiplexer 4x1
multiplexer 4x1extra
extrashift registers
PRACTICAL EXTERNAL3 bit synchronous counter
3 bit synchronous counterpractice
practice8 x 3 encoder
8 x 3 encoderexperiment 3
experiment 3binary to gray
binary to graynew alu
new aluproject 4
project 44x2 incoder
4x2 incodermultiplexer 4x1
multiplexer 4x1ex 15
ex 15binary multiplier 3x3
binary multiplier 3x3multiplexer 4x1
multiplexer 4x12 x 4 decoder
2 x 4 decoderGray to Binary
Gray to Binarynor and nand latch
nor and nand latchmultiplexer 8x1
multiplexer 8x1Exp 14a
Exp 14asequential d-flip flop
sequential d-flip flopclocked S-R latch and D- latch
clocked S-R latch and D- latchde-multiplier 1x4
de-multiplier 1x4master-slave flip-flop
master-slave flip-flop3x4 decoder
3x4 decoderbinary multipier 2x2
binary multipier 2x2De -multiplier 1x8
De -multiplier 1x8J-K and T flip-flop
J-K and T flip-flopusing J-K flipflop
using J-K flipflop