LAB 2 - D- Flip flop
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Author: Jai Narain

Forked from: Karthik Kingster/LAB 2 - D- Flip flop

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ENG103Digital Electronics DesignLab Experiment 4 (Online Simulator)Understanding Flip-FlopsName of the Candidate:Student PI No. : LAB Experiment 4 – Understanding Flip-flops____________________________________________________________________________ENG103 Lab Expt 4 SINGAPORE UNIVERISTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (SUSS) Page 2 of 4OBJECTIVES: To wire up and operate a D flip-flop.To wire up and operate a JK flip-flop, and work with state diagram.To wire and operate the flip-flops circuit using online simulator CircuitVerse. ( A: D flip-flopA D Flip-flop is connected as shown below:1.Implement the circuit using the online simulator. Probe the clock and Q timing signals. Screen captures the circuit and show it below.ENG103 Lab Expt 4 SINGAPORE UNIVERISTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (SUSS) Page 3 of 42.Screen captures the timing diagram for the clock and output Q signals below.3.Deduce the function of the circuit.This is a frequency divide by 2 circuit whereby the output frequency is half of the input frequency.Part B: JK flip-flopUsing the online simulator, apply a clock signal to the JK flip-flops. Probe the clock and Q timing signals.4.Examine the Q output for different inputs of J and K. Fill in the table below and sketch the state transition diagram.InputOutputJKQ00Q(t) – no change01010111Q’(t) – toggles5.Determine the inputs of J and K that produces output Q that is half the frequency of the input clock pulse. Screen captures the circuit, the clock and Q signals, and show it below.ENG103 Lab Expt 4 SINGAPORE UNIVERISTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (SUSS) Page 4 of 4----- END OF EXPERIMENT -----

Created: Sep 22, 2020

Updated: Mar 12, 2021


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