Member since: 4 years
Educational Institution: Not Entered
Country: Not Entered
Untitledexp-8 decoder
exp-8 decoder1*4 De-Multiplexer
1*4 De-Multiplexerdemultiplexer
demultiplexer1*8 Demultiplexer
1*8 Demultiplexer8 to 1 Multiplexer
8 to 1 Multiplexer4X1 MULTIPLEXER
4X1 MULTIPLEXER4*1 multiplexer
4*1 multiplexer8*1 multiplexer
8*1 multiplexerexp9
Untitledexp15 arithmetic logic unit
exp15 arithmetic logic unit4X! & 8X1
4X! & 8X1binary to gray code and gray to binary code(internal)
binary to gray code and gray to binary code(internal)FLIP FLOP
FLIP FLOPbinary code to gray code(vice versa)
binary code to gray code(vice versa)2-bit arithmetic logic unit
2-bit arithmetic logic unit