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Author: Rafael Viana

Forked from: Bukino/BOBO

Project access type: Public


Circuitverse is simply an amazing tool. I am sorry that something like this has not been available before. It has some problems, but it's a beautiful educational tool. I thank its creators.

I always wanted to create my own processor. As an inspiration, I took the instruction set of the 8080 processor and started putting it together in pieces. It's not a copy of it, I just create my own sub-blocks and put them together. We'll see what happens...
Circuitverse can't make a bidirectional bus. The clock signal is only one. Control bus signals are generated directly inside the circuit without the need for an i8212 circuit. This reduces the number of cycles per instruction, but it was necessary to add additional control signals that this circuit generates (see
At this time, the MVI, MOV, LXI, JMP, and HLT instructions are available.

Created: Oct 24, 2020

Updated: Aug 26, 2023


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