Member since: 4 years
Educational Institution: Not Entered
Country: Not Entered
J K FlipFlop
J K FlipFlop(2 to 4) line Decoder
(2 to 4) line Decoder8 to 3 line encoder
8 to 3 line encoderUntitled
Untitledsr and d flip flop
sr and d flip flopUntitled
Untitled3 bit binary adder
3 bit binary adder8*1 multiplexer
8*1 multiplexer4*1 multiplexer
4*1 multiplexer2Bit ALU
2Bit ALU1*4 Demultiplexers
1*4 Demultiplexers(2 to 4) line Decoder
(2 to 4) line Decoder(4 to 2) line and (8 to 3) line Encoders
(4 to 2) line and (8 to 3) line Encoders(3 to 8) line decoder
(3 to 8) line decoderEXP 7-(4 to 2) line and (8 to 3) line Encoders
EXP 7-(4 to 2) line and (8 to 3) line Encodershalf adder,half subtractor,full adder
half adder,half subtractor,full adderhalf adder,half subtractor,full adder
half adder,half subtractor,full adder1*8 demultiplexer
1*8 demultiplexerEXP 13
EXP 133 bit binary adder
3 bit binary adderJ K FlipFlop
J K FlipFlopExternal Practical(Vanshika)
External Practical(Vanshika)3 bit parallel binary subtractor
3 bit parallel binary subtractorPriority Encoder
Priority Encoder