8 bit CPU
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Author: Bradley

Project access type: Public


This project is based on Ben Eaters 8 bit computer project https://eater.net/8bit/ and as of now the computer can be programmed using the following assembly language commands

NOP (0000 00000)   - Do Nothing

LDA (0001 XXXX)     - Load the A register with contents of memory location XXXX

ADD (0010 XXXX)    - ADD A register and the contents or memory location XXXX. Results in A register

SUB (0011 XXXX)     - Subtract A register from the contents or memory location XXXX. Results in A register

STA (0100 XXXX)     - Store the contents of the A register to Ram at location XXXX

LDI (0101 YYYY)      - Load the A register with a 4 bit number YYYY

MVB (0110 0000)    - Move the contents of the A register to the B register

MVA (0111 0000)    - Move the contents of the B register to the A register

JMP (1000  XXXX)   - Jump to a specific Ram memory address location XXXX

OUT (1110 0000)    - Output the contents of the A register to the decimal display 

HLT (1111 0000)     - Stop execution of the current program

Created: Jul 15, 2020

Updated: Jun 30, 2023


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