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Author: Rahul Mourya
Forked from: Rahul Mourya/Binary -to -Gray, Gray -to -Binary code converte
Project access type: Public
Implement 4-bit Binary -to -Gray, Gray -to -Binary code converter.
sample input
Input: For circuit 1: Binary code (B3B2B1B0) = 0101
Input: For circuit 2: Gray code (G3G2G1G0)= 0111
expected output
Output: For circuit 1: Gray code (G3G2G1G0)= 0111 Output: For circuit 2: Binary code (B3B2B1B0) = 0101 2 Theory Gray Code: Gray code is a binary numeral system where two successive values differ in only one bit.
Binary to Gray: Binary to gray code converter is a combinational circuit that converts a binary number into a gray code. The circuit diagram of Binary to Gray Converter is shown in the following figure:
Gray to Binary: Gray to binary code converter is a combinational circuit that converts a gray code into binary code. The circuit diagram of Gray to binary code converter is shown in the following figure:
Created: Nov 13, 2024
Updated: Nov 13, 2024