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print string 

org 100h

msg db 'HELLO WORLD..!$'

lea dx,msg

mov ah,09h

int 21h

mov ah,4ch

int 21h


Two strings

ORG 100h          ; Start of the program in memory (for COM files)

; Print first string

LEA DX, Msg1      ; Load the effective address of the first string

MOV AH, 09h       ; Function to display a string

INT 21h           ; Call DOS interrupt

; Print second string

LEA DX, Msg2      ; Load the effective address of the second string

MOV AH, 09h       ; Function to display a string

INT 21h           ; Call DOS interrupt

; End the program

MOV AH, 4Ch       ; Function to terminate the program

INT 21h           ; Call DOS interrupt

Msg1 DB 'Hello, World!$'  ; Define the first string with a '$' terminator

Msg2 DB ' Welcome to Assembly Programming!$' ; Define the second string


print character

ORG 100h          ; Start of the program in memory (for COM files)

; Print the character 'A'

MOV DL, 'A'       ; Load the ASCII value of 'A' into DL

MOV AH, 02h       ; Function to display a single character

INT 21h           ; Call DOS interrupt

; End the program

MOV AH, 4Ch       ; Function to terminate the program

INT 21h           ; Call DOS interrupt

Created: Nov 25, 2024

Updated: Nov 25, 2024


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