Member since: 6 months
Educational Institution: Not Entered
Country: Not Entered
PROJECThalf adder
half adder1-bit comparator circuit using only NAND Gates.
1-bit comparator circuit using only NAND Gates.PKT CIRCUIT
PKT CIRCUITverification of logic gate
verification of logic gateUntitled
Untitledjk flip flop
jk flip floppak
pakhalf adder
half adder1-bit comparator circuit using only NAND Gates.
1-bit comparator circuit using only NAND Gates.Untitled
fullsubstractorFull adder
Full adderFull adder using NAND Gate
Full adder using NAND Gatefull substractor
full substractorfull adder and substractor
full adder and substractormux
muxmodul 3 mux demux
modul 3 mux demuxmodul 3 mux demux
modul 3 mux demuxDigital circuit Simulator online
Digital circuit Simulator online