Traffic light simulator
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Author: Pong Seangly

Forked from: Arpitha Malavalli/Traffic light simulator

Project access type: Public


The project aims to simulate a realistic traffic light controller by:1.Changing the traffic lights after a certain timeout period
2.Giving more preference to the lane with bursts of traffic
The sensors Ta and Tb detect the traffic. They are strings of 1's and 0's where 1 represents a car at that instant of time in that lane.LFSRs are used to generate random strings of 1s and 0s.
The first part is handled through a FSM with a factored timing FSM to force next state after timeout(15ns).The second part is handled through a logic which changes to that state which gives grren to lane with more traffic.

Created: Jun 27, 2024

Updated: Jun 27, 2024


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