Member since: 1 year
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2310994587_1:2 DEMUX
2310994587_1:2 DEMUX2310994587_2:1 MUX USING LOGIC GATES
2310994587_2:1 MUX USING LOGIC GATES2310994587_MUX DEMUX
2310994587_MUX DEMUX8:3 Encoder
8:3 Encoder2310994587_Tanushree_JK 4 bit counter
2310994587_Tanushree_JK 4 bit counterFLIP FLOPS
FLIP FLOPS2310994587_Full adder using gates
2310994587_Full adder using gates2310994587_full adder using basic gates
2310994587_full adder using basic gates2310994587_Tanushree_Decoder
2310994587_Tanushree_Decoder4 bit up down ripple counter
4 bit up down ripple counterUntitled
UntitledT Flip Flop
T Flip FlopRing Counter
Ring Counter3 bit synchronous up counter
3 bit synchronous up counterSynchronous 3 bit up and down counter
Synchronous 3 bit up and down counterTwisted ring counter
Twisted ring counterMOD 10 Asynchronous counter
MOD 10 Asynchronous counter2:1 mux basic gates
2:1 mux basic gates2310994587_2:1 MUX using basic logic gates
2310994587_2:1 MUX using basic logic gates3:8 Decoder
3:8 DecoderD flip-flop
D flip-flop