16:1 Mux using 4:1 Mux
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Author: CHARAN J

Project access type: Public


In digital design, a 16:1 multiplexer (mux) can be implemented using a combination of lower-order multiplexers, typically 4:1 muxes. The idea is to use the smaller muxes to build up to the desired larger mux. Assuming you have 4 inputs (A, B, C, D) and you want to select one of these inputs using a 16:1 mux (S0, S1, S2, S3 are the select lines),The output of this final 16:1 mux will be selected based on the four select lines (S0, S1, S2, S3), and the selected input will be passed through the hierarchy of 4:1 muxes.

Created: Dec 09, 2023

Updated: Dec 09, 2023


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