Member since: 1 year
Educational Institution: Not Entered
Country: Not Entered
BCD To 7 Segment Decoder
BCD To 7 Segment DecoderUntitled
Untitled5 bit
5 bitUntitled
muxfull adder
full adderfull adder using decoder
full adder using decoderUntitled
Untitled4 using 2 mux
4 using 2 muxpriority encoder
priority encoder4x1 MUltiplexer Using 2x1 MUX
4x1 MUltiplexer Using 2x1 MUXUntitled
Untitled16x1 mux using 2x1 mux
16x1 mux using 2x1 muxsr flip flop
sr flip flopUntitled